Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I finally got off my butt and joined Pinterest a few weeks ago.  What the heck was I waiting for?  I see so many of my friends and craft vendors have been pinning away already so I had some catching up to do.  What can you do with Pinterest?  What can't you do is really the question.  People create boards with different themes such as My Style, Food, Crafts, Kitchens, etc.  Then they "pin" photographs they find online or "re pin" from other users to their boards.  It's a brilliant way to find inspiration for project, keep track of photos of kitchens you like for a big remodel, get garden design ideas and so much more!  Really the ideas of how to use this site are endless.

Another interesting way to use Pinterest is for your craft business.  Talk about viral sharing, this is the place to make it happen.  Create a board for the items you create and pin directly from your Etsy site or your website. if you put a $ in the description (Etsy does this automatically) it will create a small price banner across your photo.  If you are manually adding your pin remember to put in the website url so people can click through to the page.  I've created a board here for Queen City Craft.  I'm using it to promote items created by indie crafters in Vermont.  The more people re pin, the more viral your products go.  Just remember to delete the picture if it is something that has sold.  Also don't make your Pinterest account all about selling.  Create other boards of interest so you have a variety of content to share.  Check it out and think about how you can use this great new tool to help out your business as well.

Don't forget to check your web analytics tool to see if you are getting referral traffic from this great new source!

1 comment:

  1. I love Pinterest. I'm following you now - feel free to follow me back. http://www.pinterest.com/auggies

    I'd love to follow some other Vermonters!
